Japanese For Business People
- ビジネスパーソンコース -
Our training course introduces the Japanese language according to the student needs. You will be able to communicate effectively with clients, suppliers, and partners from Japan. We provide:
Our program is based on student development, from building the language foundation to mastering Keigo (formal language) for business purposes.
Participants will be trained to be able to develop their language skills- including structures, vocabularies, and communication skills. Also to understand the ethics and values of Japanese people to succeed in communicating.
Local trainers and native speaker in IkuZo will be giving the best insight and advice to maximize your business relationships with your clients, supplier, and partners in Japan.
Learning material for beginners
- Buku Minna no Nihongo (初学者向けの教材)
- Conversation sheet (会話シート)
- Tests (試験)
- Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji worksheet (ひらがな・カタカナ・漢字のワークシー)
- Other media communication (その他のコミュニケーションメディア )
For the material above, we will arrange it according to your need. It includes basic business manners, Japanese business culture,etc.
Our suggestion is if there are students who already follow the Japanese language program before and wants to enhance their skill, it is better to be guided by our Native Speaker. But if the participants are not participating in the Japanese language program before, it is best to choose a local teacher that is one of our many experienced teachers.
Our Clients - 当社ビジネスコースのご利用者
- PT. Bank Mizuho Indonesia
- Bank Negara Indonesia
- Mitsubishi Corporate Fashion
- Torishima Guna Engineering
- Daihatsu Diesel, Japan
- Omron Corporation
- Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University -- Indonesia Information Center
- PT. Technosoft
- PT. Leetex Garment
- Bukit Sion High School -- Blue Campus
- IKK Indonesia Wedding Organizer
- One Piece Hair Studio by Hisato
- PT Atlas Petrocheum Indo
- PT Taihei Dengyo Indonesia
Build your foundation in the Japanese language for Business now!