JLPT Preparation Class

- 日本語能力試験対策コース -

Nouryoku Shiken / JLPT is Japanese Language Proficiency Test that is created specifically for foreign language speakers. JLPT present for the first time in 1984 with a total of 7,000 participants. The test was held in December each year according to 4 levels of difficulty. But since 2010, this system has changed into five levels of difficulty. It is held twice a year (mainly from N1-N3), in July and December.

For fulfilling the needs of IkuZo students and the public. We have provided a preparation class for those who will take the JLPT test. By following the test, then every student will be tested according to the Japan international standards. Each student that has graduated will be certified according to the test level they took.

With this preparation class, we hoped that every participant answers each test that has been given and graduates well with a maximum score, the preparation class from level N5-N3. Participants are going to be taught by the local teacher. The preparation class for level N2-N1 will be learning with a native speaker in a private or semi-private class.

Our class will be held once a month with customizable schedule. You will be able to choose the class according to your level in Nouryoku Shiken. For register and tuition fee , you can contact through our branch, which are:

  1. Greenville at 021-5656321
  2. Meruya di 021-21260880
  3. Jogja di 021-21260880

Prepare yourself now!

Contact our nearest branches for more information.