IkuZo counters are ready to help you with information related to class schedule, fee, and others that related to Japanese language, Manga drawing, and Sewing class. Ikuzo currently offers 1X FREE CLASS for those of you who would like to experience our fun learning system. Here are our IkuZo counters ^^
After this you can contact the nearest counters for more information about our free class, class schedule, etc.

Novi-san is one of our admin in IkuZo Greenville that has hobbies in snacking and watching movies. Novi-san is a friendly person with people around her. "Do all your work with love", is her life motto.

IkuZo Greenville
No WA: +62 877-8978-9550
E-mail: greenville@goikuzo.com

Kak Firyal adalah salah satu admin counter IkuZo Alam Sutera, yang hobinya menonton film atau drama korea action, membaca buku tentang self improvement serta nonton podcast. "Carilah kebahagiaan di dalam dirimu sendiri, karena ketika kamu sibuk berbahagia dengan dirimu, maka tidak akan ada lagi waktu untuk mencari kesalahan dan kekurangan orang lain" itulah motto kak Firyal ^_^

IkuZo Alam Sutera
No WA: +62 852-8188-0007
E-mail: alamsutera@goikuzo.com

Kak Ocha adalah salah satu admin counter IkuZo yang berada di Cibubur.  Selain hobinya menggambar, ternyata kak Ocha juga suka bermain musik khususnya piano dan ternyata bisa main golf. Keren banget ya…

For Ocha-san, "Do our best" is her life motto.

IkuZo Kota Wisata CIbubur
No WA: +62 815-1712-1633